Localvantia This is a great NEW SFI Business Opportunity. You pre-register local businesses, if they register with the program you will earn VPs from the sales activity. If for example you pre-register a supermarket or any other store or service providers you will get 1:1 the VPs affiliates earn buying and using the participating businesses, stores(drug stores,anything) or services providers (lawyers offices, Laundromats)you get the same amount of VPs. In addition to using them yourself and earning VPs from your purchases. Learn more about it ( https://news.sfimg.com/2017/06/29/localvantia-excitement/ ).
I see it as a very good program to build residual streaming VPs earnings which you cash from the Triple Clicks Executive Pool shares. Now I can tell you that if you behave as a enterprenur and build up a big group of local merchants registerd as Localvantia merchants the SFI affiliates purchases in this stores will produce a streaming income. Specially in countries like Nigeria, Serbia and others that have big and growing base of active SFI affiliates.
Check out the latest on Localvantia And don’t forget that ///// pre-registrations are a “first-mover advantage” opportunity. ///// Need to pre-register local merchant fast so other affiliates don’t get them first. PRE-REGISTER FORM HERE ( https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/lv_prereg ) That is, If you’re not pre-registering your local merchants, if you’re letting other affiliates do it instead, you’re potentially forfeiting hundreds of dollars in monthly residual income that could be YOURS. What are you waiting for? Get your share!
Read more Localvantia Pre-launch (https://news.sfimg.com/2017/06/14/localvantia-pre-launch/)
If I understand correctly , we do not approach the merchant during prelaunch? Wait until launch to contact the merchants we have submitted?
Hi Willie, Yes, that is correct. Get your merchants “listed” now by pre-registering them now. PRE-REGISTER FORM HERE ( https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/lv_prereg ) Then, when we go live to the public with Localvantia in the fall, follow-up with your listed merchants to get as many officially signed up as possible. There will a variety of aids and lots of training made available to make this task simple and even fun. And all your fellow local affiliates can actually participate in the follow-up too to make the job even easier (more on this later).
Compare Localvantia with ECA