SFI Time Local Time Difference
SFI Time and Your Local Time usually are different. You must know when the day starts on the SFI website what time it is in your home. The SFI Website is installed on a server, located somewhere with a designated World Time Zone. Your Country also has a Time Zone established. The Website’s official time establishes the Start and End of each day, contests, special offers, and so on.
In the image below you can see that the SFI Official Time is 2 hours earlier than my Home Time. This means that when the new day starts on the SFI Website (12:00 PM/24:00) in my home time is already (2:00 AM/02:00). I have to wait until 2:00 AM (My home time) for the new day to start in SFI at 12:00 PM (SFI server time). In Nigeria home time, it will already be 7:00 AM when in SFI 12:00 PM a new day starts. Therefore SFI day starts at Nigeria’s home time 7:00 AM and SFI day ends at Nigeria’s local home time of 6:59 AM. Knowing these facts lets you make the DAILY TO-DO LIST TASKS and prevent other timeframe errors. Develop your work plan and know the different hours you can work staying inside the same day limits.
I do an analysis of member’s profiles in my team. It’s to find the best times to send advice messages to them. For example, I can tell you that:
- Nigeria time is 7 hours later than the SFI Servers time.
- Macedonia time also is 7 hours later than the time in the SFI Servers.
This is a great source of information about World Timezones and other time-related The World Clock-Worldwide