Register T-Time with Cellphone
T-Time every hour using your cellphone. If you are working during the day or out of the home on errands, you can use your cellular phone to register in T-Time to win Free TCredits. Need a smart Android or iPhone cellphone with Internet Service. Enter in each hour TTimes drawing many times a day. With today’s smart mobile phones. To register in each drawing with your mobile device is very easy and convenient. If you always carry your Laptop or Tablet, you can use any of these devices as well. But I consider the cellphone the easiest and faster device to do the ‘T-Time Many Times’ routine.
With T-Time Drawings and my cellphone, I win from 10+ / 30(my Best) FREE TCredits/Month. To get these results, I enter each hour T-Time many times each day. You could get similar results. Add my ‘T-Times Many Times’ routines to your SFI Business Daily Work Plan. Winning a significant amount of FREE TCredits each month is possible by working T-Time using your cellphone. Simply you have to enter the hourly T-Time contest many times each day. T-Time draws 35 winners each hour,— that’s 840 winners each day! Each winning 2 free TCredits. Entries are FREE. NOTE: Members are limited to 18 entries per day.
In the graphic below you can see the results I had in these 4 months. You should have similar results doing my T Time Many Times routine. Remember you have to do the DAILY TO-DO LIST TASKS (it takes you less than 15 minutes). The TTime routine is a second routine that you do during the day by entering each hour drawing (takes less than 5 minutes each hour) and T-Time using cellphone, routine is very easy.
Win Free TCredits with T-Times using your cellphone.
You can see in the above graphic that I had very good results in November 2019 and April 2020. But every month I enter many drawings every day. You don’t always win. Notice that between each win there are sometimes 5 or 6 days without winning. On each of those days where I didn’t win I also did the routine of many each hour entries. You win some lose some, but you have to keep doing your work plan every day.
Cellphone Clock Alarm Reminder
Read Official SFI info What is T-Time?. Read the other Advice Message Post about T-Time for Free TCredits Every Hour.